What’s really at stake – My views on the state of the world and WHA77

This week’s “blog” is live from Geneva, and you can listen to or watch it.

Many people only know my blogs and social media posts. When meeting people for the first time, they are sometimes surprised I can speak and exist in real. If you’ve ever wondered what my thoughts sound like and how I respond to questions “live”, this week I had the privilege to speak on Ben Plumley’s LinkedIn Live “A shot in the arm” podcast.

We discussed the state of global health, the pandemic and ongoing pandemic negotiations, gender and the rollback of rights, WHO and this week’s annual meeting WHA, and Germany’s (reluctant and possibly fleeting) global health leadership role.

Hope you enjoy this slightly longer and different format this week! You can find the video as a Youtube recording here. Let us know what you think by commenting here or on LinkedIn through the link above.

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