Tag Archives: women

Cracking the Ceiling – While Raising Children

In 2014, I founded a project with the support of the Hertie Foundation, “KarriereFamilie”, to showcase parents who are managing a career and raising children. The usual examples in the media of Ursula von der Leyen (German Defence Minister, mother of seven children) or a number of CEOs, seemed like superhumans to me. I wanted to profile both mothers and fathers who have successful, fulfilling careers. I initially also wanted companies to speak about barriers facing working parents, but none were willing to go public.

I have since taken down the website (hopefully temporarily), but continue to be contacted to speak, write and provide advice on the topic. The most wonderful feedback has been to hear that young people have been encouraged to make choices that they feel are right, but have been afraid to make previously.

The Hertie School’s students and alumni continue to support my project, and as an alumnus I am always more than happy to try to “give back”. Following a conference on gender and employment, I was asked to submit an article to the Governance Post. I hope it inspires more thinking (and doing) on this topic that is so important for equality, society – and individual lives.